The St. Mary's Academy Career & Mentorship Program aims to provide our high school students with resources and guidance to navigate their post-secondary planning and career exploration. Drawing on our diverse SMA Alumnae network, the Career and Mentorship Program invites members of our Academy community to participate in a variety of events to connect with our current students including career presentations, panel interviews, and casual group conversations about the first few years outside of SMA.
Since its establishment in 2017, the Career and Mentorship Program connects the leaders of tomorrow with the leaders of today, to prepare them for life outside the walls of the Academy
Grades 9 Career Speakers
French/ Francais:
French-speaking alumnae to participate in Grades 11 and 12 Advanced French Conversational Exercises: between October 12, 2023
Essentials Math 40s Career Speakers: Ongoing with curriculum
Alumnae to share expertise in financing, loans, markets and investing, vehicle financing, basic saving ideas, or how to pay/ budget for post-secondary, mortgages, and home financing/ budgeting.
St. Mary's Academy alumnae from a variety of backgrounds come to speak to the Grades 9 and 10 students about their career path. They share a day in the life of their job, what drew them to the field, obstacles they have faced, and lessons they have learned along the way. This provides our students with insight about the opportunities available to them after graduation, allowing them to explore a variety of career options.
Ask an Alum
November 23, 2023 – Ask an Alum Post Secondary Panel Q&A and Transition Discussions
Young alumnae, having recently graduated from the Academy, share their personal experiences with our students about transitioning from high school to post-secondary studies, as well as navigating life as a young adult.
Panel Interviews
April 17, 2024 – Panel Interviews (Mentors needed as panelists)
We are seeking 50 community members to participate as mentors/ panelists. Please consider sharing your wisdom and career expertise to create a real-life interview experience.
Each panel will consist of 2 or 3 community members. Each interview is scheduled for 30 minutes comprised of: introductions, student-led resume presentation, Q&A, and feedback given by the panelists. For ease of scheduling students and panelists, we encourage mentors to sign up for two or more interviews. Thank you for your support!
Panel Interviews offer Grade 11 and 12 students an authentic opportunity to develop career readiness skills, practice professional interview skills and receive practical and individualized advice. These mock interviews, conducted by our community members, hope to foster mentorship for our students leaving SMA and entering the professional world.