Mission and Charism at St. Mary's Academy is an expression of who we are as a community of faith. We offer gathered and non-gathered opportunities, which complement our Religion Program and foster the faith life of the community.

Mission and Charism seek to enrich the faith lives of all students and staff interested in deepening their spirituality through participation in sacraments and rituals, prayer and reflection, justice and service and Christian leadership development. All students are welcome in our Campus Ministry events where they'll find faith, friends, food and fun.

Additional resources to enrich your faith life.


Retreats and Reflection Days

An integral dimension of the faith formation process for students and staff at St. Mary’s are days of retreat and reflection . These are opportunities to pause and to pay attention to what is happening in their lives, to reflect on their relationship with God and to build community. During the school year, we will offer a retreat day for the Grade 12 students, a Retrally (retreat/rally) for the grade 7-11 students and optional retreats for those involved in Campus Ministry, choir, etc.

Club L.E.M.O.N.

Leaders Embarking On a Mission Over Noon – Junior Club L.E.M.O.N is for grade 7 and 8 students and is led by grade 10 students. Meetings are held at lunch time. This student-initiated program offers an opportunity for students to get together, discuss a topic, participate in an activity and connect a life issue to their faith.

Justice Walking (J-walking)

This could change your life! The justice walking program invites students to make a commitment from October – April to service, community and Gospel living. The program is for the Grade 11 students and is limited to 8 participants.


A Monthly Service at St. Mary’s Academy is our commitment to reaching out to those in need. AMS@SMA offers monthly opportunities for students and staff to reach out to others in a service experience from 4 – 6 p.m. Some locations are within walking distance of the school and others will be reached by local transit. Come once, come often – whatever works for you!

Harvest Thursday

We're committed to supporting the people and projects in our neighbourhood. Every Thursday from mid- October to the May long weekend, during period 2, five students go to the Unitarian Church across the street from SMA to help organize and distribute food to those in need. This is one of many Winnipeg Harvest satellite sites throughout Winnipeg.

Mother Marie-Rose Week

Blessed Mother Marie-Rose Durocher (1811-1849) was the foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM). We remember, celebrate and share her legacy through week-long events and activities which include visits from the SNJM's, Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher Mass, social media connections and other activities and leanings that share our story.

A favourite Scripture quote of Mother Marie-Rose was: I have come to cast fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled. (Luke 12:49)

Shrove Tuesday

The day before Lent begins, we celebrate Shrove Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday. It's the tradition to use up all of the fattening foods in your house before you begin the season of lent by fasting on Ash Wednesday.This is a wonderful way for our community to have lunch together, celebrate and enjoy a pancake lunch before the Lenten season begins.