The success of our Academic Advising and Career Development program is evident in our results. Over 95% of our graduates receive an offer of admission to post-secondary institutions — including prestigious universities such as Toronto, McMaster, Waterloo, McGill, Harvard, Penn State, Dartmouth, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, University of St. Andrews UK, and Guildford School of Acting University of Surrey UK. Additionally, our students have gained acceptance to highly selective specialized schools such as the Accelerated Route to Medical School at Queen’s, Sauder School of Business at UBC and the Richard Ivey School at Western.

Our graduates have also been recipients of major entrance scholarships including the University of Manitoba’s Leader of Tomorrow scholarship,The Loran Scholarship from UBC, The Schulich Leader Scholarship from University of Alberta and full scholarships at UCLA, Cornell, Quinnipiac University and Penn State University.

Girls with Dreams become Women with Vision: Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it

Academic and Post-Secondary Advising Program

At St. Mary’s Academy, the Academic and Post-Secondary Advising Program helps students in grades 9 – 12 focus on the career planning process as a tool they can use both immediately and throughout their lives to create the life they want. At each grade, students will focus on different elements of that planning process. Students are encouraged to arrange a meeting with our Academic Advisor and Career Counsellor to regularly review their plans and ensure they're taking the required high school courses for university admission.

For more information, contact our Academic Advisor at 204-478-6039. 

Grade 9

The Career Development course introduces Grade 9 students to career development concepts, starting with an online self-assessment tool that assists them with the process of self evaluation. Through class activities, students will begin to understand the connection between her skills, strengths, interests and future education and career choices. Students will also develop effective communication skills while presenting a preliminary career portfolio. A highlight for the grade 9 class is Take Our Kids to Work Day, when students accompany a family member or family friend to their work place and experience that particular career for the day.

Grade 10

Grade 10 students build on the skills acquired in grade 9, and continue to focus on career planning in their Career Development course. Students will create a resume to document evidence of their strengths and experiences. Students also participate in the Rotary Career Symposium where they can acquire information and ask questions of professionals regarding numerous careers and fields of employment.

Grade 11

In Grade 11, the career program focuses on university advisement and obtaining more details about post-secondary options. Information sessions are a major part of our approach. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many presentations offered by post-secondary institutions and to explore deeper into online resources through the assistance of the Career Counsellor.

Students and parents are invited to attend the Evening of Excellence at the University of Manitoba, the Future Students Evening at the University of Winnipeg and the National Canadian University Fair to explore over 40 post-secondary institutions. Grade 11 students accompanied by our academic advisor take part in trips to the University of Manitoba, Canadian Mennonite University, University of Winnipeg and Red River College, and the National Canadian Univeristy Fair. These events provide a valuable opportunity for students to gather information on the various faculties and programs, and to learn more about the transition to university from high school.

Grade 12

Grade 12 students are encouraged to continue making use of the university and career resources available to them and to meet individually with our Academic Advisor. Extensive information sharing about the admission process, assistance with online applications and applying for scholarships and awards is a key focus during advisement presentations. 

Career and Mentorship Events

Career Speakers

Connecting the Leaders of Tomorrow with the Leaders of Today

The St. Mary’s Academy Career and Mentorship Program aims to provide high school students with resources and guidance to help them navigate post-secondary planning and career exploration. Drawing on our vast and diverse alumnae network, the Career and Mentorship Program invites community members to participate in a variety of events including career presentations, panel interviews and casual group conversations about the first few years outside of the Academy.

Ask An Alum

On November 24, 2023, grades 11 and 12 students enjoyed the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of alumnae about post-secondary education, applying for scholarships, study tips, and career paths. Alumnae represented the fields of dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, business, science, law, graphic design, medicine, architecture, commerce and engineering. SMA expresses our deep appreciation to the following alumnae for coming back and sharing their expertise and experience with our students.

Panel Interviews

St. Mary's Academy wants to offer an authentic chance for SMA students to develop career readiness skills, practice professional interview skills and receive practical and individualized advice. This event hopes to foster mentorship for our students leaving SMA and entering the professional world.   

Panel Interviews are roughly 30 minutes in length and include:  

Introductions: students shake hands confidently, smile and make eye contact, and tell panelists their name. Panelists provide a brief introduction of who they are and what they do.  

Student-Led Portfolio: students professionally introduce themselves and their portfolio, which should include a: resume, transcript, evidence of extra-curricular and community involvement, accomplishments, a growth mindset piece (an example of strength and weakness) and a comprehensive plan for their future. 

Question & Answer Period: Panelists ask students interview questions, such as, tell me about a time when you had to overcome a major obstacle that stood in the way of you accomplishing a goal or commitment. How did you approach the situation? 

Feedback and Advice: Panelists provide guidance and support to the student. 

Upcoming Events

October 17, 2024
Career Speakers Grade 9
Career Speakers is part of the SMA Career & Mentorship Program which aims to provide our high school students with resources and guidance to navigate their post-secondary planning and career exploration.

November 21, 2024
Ask An Alum Grade 11 & 12
Ask an Alum, which is part of our Career and Mentorship Program, puts our grades 11 and 12 students in touch with alumnae who share their post-secondary and career experience.

March 7, 2025
Career Speakers Grade 10
Career Speakers is part of the SMA Career & Mentorship Program which aims to provide our high school students with resources and guidance to navigate their post-secondary planning and career exploration.

April 24, 2025
Panel Interviews Grade 11 & 12
Panel interviews are an opportunity for Grade 11 and 12 students to develop career readiness skills, practice professional interview skills and receive practical and individualized advise from SMA parents, caregivers and alumnae who are established in their career.

Past Events