Regular Hours of Operation
Reception Office: Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM
School Office: Every school day from 7:30 AM to 4 PM
Please use the list of contacts below to find the right person for your needs, or call our reception line at 204-477-0244.
Title | Name | Phone Number |
Interim President | Mrs. Michelle Klus | 204-478-6032 |
Principal | Mrs. Carol-Ann Swayzie | 204-478-6037 |
Vice-Principal | Mr. Lorne Hess | 204-560-6922 |
Vice-Principal | Ms. Joan Trimble | 204-478-6033 |
Executive Assistant | Ms. Nadine Dannenberg | 204-478-6048 |
Academic Advisor | Ms. Adriane McElrea | 204-478-6039 |
Accountant | Mrs. Cheryl Gilleshammer | 204-478-6042 |
Accounting Clerk | Ms. Audrey Ross | 204-477-0244 Ext. 229 |
Admissions & Community Outreach | Ms. Leah Boughen | 204-478-6030 |
Director of Advancement & Development | Ms. Kate Hodgert-Fennell | 204-478-6031 |
Alumnae Engagement Coordinator | Ms. Sandra Martin | 204-560-6923 |
Database and Development Officer | Ms. Morgan Bennett | |
Mission and Charism | Mrs. Joanne Steeves | 204-478-6045 |
Director of Communications & Marketing | Ms. Georgina (Gina) Borkofski | 204-478-6046 |
Facility Management | Mr. David Morrison | 204-478-6040 |
Guidance Counsellor | Ms. Dana Vivian | 204-477-0244 Ext. 414 |
Guidance Counsellor | Ms. Noelle Bowles | 204-477-0244 Ext. 230 |
Guidance Counsellor | Mrs. Lori Brooks | 204-477-0244 Ext. 274 |
Graphic Designer/Communications Coordinator | Mr. Vincent Ocampo | 204-477-0244 Ext. 241 |
Information Technology | Mr. Alexandru Ionescu | 204-478-6043 |
IT Support Technician | Mr. Abdulaziz Yahaya | 204-477-0244 Ext. 272 |
Library Technician | Mrs. Petra Reynolds | 204-478-6034 |
Library Assistant | Mx. DJ Thorsteinson | |
Receptionist | Mr. Ryan Swayzie | 204-477-0244 |
Resource Teacher | Mrs. Christine Dado | 204-477-0244 Ext. 239 |
Resource Teacher | Mr. Noel Rautert | 204-477-0244 Ext. 278 |
School Office | Mrs. Beverly Henry | 204-477-0244 Ext. 232 |
Student Attendance | Mrs. Jill Boulet | 204-477-0244 Ext. 340 |
Tech Centre Coordinator | Ms. Allie Logan | 204-560-6925 |
Transcript Requests | |
Faculty without a direct line can be reached at 204-477-0244.
Name | Area of Specialty | Phone / Extension |
Mr. Jason Athayde | Pre-calculus | 429 |
Mr. Nicholas Barker | Religion | 450 |
Mr. Niclas Bembenek | Science, Physics, Chemistry | 406 |
Mrs. Cindy Cordeiro | Religion | 434 |
Ms. Caitlin Cranmer | Psychology, English Language Arts | 424 |
Mr. Demetro Danyluk | Physical Education, Athletics Coordinator | 204-478-6038 |
Ms. Laura Davey | Dramatic Arts | 428 |
Ms. Eliana Dell'Acqua | English Language Arts | 445 |
Ms. Emma Domke | Science, Math | 416 |
Mrs. Sylvia Falconer | Science, Chemistry | 412 |
Mme Paula Fleury | French | 447 |
Mrs. Katie Friess | Social Studies, Geography | 431 |
Ms. Robin Gacek | English Language Arts | 423 |
Ms. Megan Grant | Math, Pre-Calculus | 435 |
Ms. Rachel Junghans | Math | 404 |
Mrs. Kendra Lê | English Language Arts, Social Studies | 401 |
Ms. Bénédicte LeMaître | Choral Music, Mission and Charism | 427 |
Ms. Yumy Lo | Chemistry, Science | 410 |
Mrs. Mary-Anne Lovallo | English Language Arts | 438 |
Mme. Madeleine Lovsin | French | 446 |
Ms. Shaylyn Maharaj-Poliah | English Language Arts | 443 |
Ms. Alexandra Malkiewicz | Religion | 444 |
Mr. Alexander Mandrick | History, Geography | 413 |
Ms. Sydney Maurice | English Language Arts | 405 |
Mr. Rob McCaffrey | Law, Debate, Social Studies | 420 |
Ms. Nicole McGlenen | Science, Social Studies | 439 |
Ms. Rachel Meiklejohn | Math, Physical Education | 425 |
Mr. Antonio Neves | Math, Pre-Calculus | 348 |
Mr. Chris O'Donoghue | Digital Media, Coding | 250 |
Mr. Noel Rautert | Biology | 402 |
Mrs. Taylor Reimer | English Language Arts, Mission and Charism | 441 |
Mrs. Christine Rewniak | Math | 426 |
Ms. Rina Sangalang | Physical Education, Health | 271 |
Ms. Kaitlin Schade | Science | 440 |
Ms. Carmen Sichewski | Human Ecology | 430 |
Mr. Cole Snyder | Visual Art | 251 |
Ms. Alannah Thibodeau | Math | 407 |
Mme. Marie Thobi | French | 449 |
Ms. Lara Thordarson | Human Ecology | 421 |
Mr. James Villa | Physics, Science | 433 |