Admission to St. Mary’s Academy is based upon the Academy’s ability to meet the needs of the applicant, and the applicant’s potential to successfully complete the university entrance academic program and to make a positive contribution to the school community.
Applications are accepted for all grades with Grade 7 as the main entry level. There is a secondary entry level at Grade 9 but space is limited with only 25-30 new students accepted.
The admissions process is competitive. Each year there are more applicants than spaces available. Favourable consideration is given to applicants from a Catholic parochial school, to those who are active members of a Catholic parish and to those whose sister or mother attended SMA.
The admissions process begins each Fall for the next school year. Refer to the Admissions Calendar below for important dates and deadlines.
Application Procedure
Application Process
1. Click the Request Application button above to request an application package.
2. Two copies of the academic reference form (link found above) are to be completed by two separate people at the student’s current school and sent directly by the school to the SMA Admissions Office.
3. Submit a copy of the applicant’s most recent report card for the current year prior to your interview. Submit a copy of the applicant’s final report as soon as it becomes available in June.
4. Parents/guardians should complete the upper portion of the Pastor/Faith Leader form (link found above) and give it to the pastor. The pastor completes the bottom portion and sends the form directly to the Admissions Office at the Academy. Applicants without a church affiliation are asked to provide a letter of reference attesting to the applicant’s personal qualities.
5. Applicants must write an entrance assessment at one of the scheduled sittings at the Academy throughout February and March. Families will be contacted with more information upon receipt of a completed application.
6. The format for Interviews for applicants and their parents has changed. Families will be contacted with more information upon receipt of a completed application.

7. Notifications of acceptance are mailed by mid-April. Acceptance is contingent upon the applicant’s successful completion of the current academic year.
8. When an applicant is notified of acceptance, a Tuition Payment Form is enclosed in the acceptance package. A student is fully enrolled at St. Mary’s Academy once the Tuition Payment Form has been submitted and the $600 non-refundable registration fee has been paid.
9. An appointment for a uniform fitting and purchase is included with the notification of acceptance.

Admissions Calendar
We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
January 14, 2025: Open House at 7:00 PM
February 3, 2025: Deadline for applications for 2025-2026 school year.
February 2024: Entrance Assessments. Families will be contacted with details upon receipt of completed application.
May 1, 2025 : Registration documentation and non-refundable registration fee due.
May 1, 2025 : Bursary Application due.
June 2025: Final report card due.
Campus Map
People who are dropping off applications are asked to go to SMA's Reception Office. See red "X" below for drop-off location.